The weather combi-sensor includes a wind sensor,
precipitation sensor, twilight sensor and three
brightness sensors (East, South, West). With integral
DCF-77 receiver, antenna rotatable through
45° and integral heating. Suitable for external
installation on a wall or on a mast. The sensor is
connected to a weather station REG-K/4-gang.
The weather data is evaluated in the weather station.
The necessary power supplies are provided
by the weather station with connected power supply
Power supply: AC 24 V (+/- 15 %)
Power consumption: max. 600 mA (with heating)
Sensors: 6
Wind speed: 1 ... 40 m/s (≤ 0.5 m/s)
Brightness: 0 ... 110 klux (+/- 10 %)
Twilight 0 ... 250 lux
Type of protection: IP 65 when installed
Temperature range: - 40 °C ... + 60 °C (non-icing)
Fixing method: Mounting bracket
Dimensions: 130x200 mm (ØxH)
˜ In KNX, to be completed with: Weather station REG-K/4-gang, art.
no. 682991.
— Note: If weather-dependent automatic functions are to be carried
out, use the blind actuators art. no. 6498...